Автор с классическим анимационным образованием, чуравшийся отмороженности трехмерной анимации, позднее ставит ее в центр своих работ, а потом вообще переходит к постановкам с живыми людьми как «моделями» а-ля Брессон:
«After working within the domain of computer animation, Doup changes course with this series of live-action sketches played out with deadpan feeling. Much like his CG work where he use a text-to-speech program to produce dialogue, the actors in this piece deliver their lines in a similar unfeeling manner. <…> enunciation is prioritized over emotional delivery. What we’re left with is a collection of abstract conversations with unclear power dynamics and limited props; the everyday statements become absurd and unrecognizable.»
Автор с классическим анимационным образованием, чуравшийся отмороженности трехмерной анимации, позднее ставит ее в центр своих работ, а потом вообще переходит к постановкам с живыми людьми как "моделями" а-ля Брессон:
"After working within the domain of computer animation, Doupé changes course with this series of live-action sketches played out with deadpan feeling. Much like his CG work where he use a text-to-speech program to produce dialogue, the actors in this piece deliver their lines in a similar unfeeling manner. <...> enunciation is prioritized over emotional delivery. What we’re left with is a collection of abstract conversations with unclear power dynamics and limited props; the everyday statements become absurd and unrecognizable."